Monday, November 14, 2011

Task 2: Can you here me now?

Your task is to speak high fashion, through the style of a mime. I want high fashion makeup and and outfit or scenery. Mimes have a very simple style, and it is up to you to be unique and creative. i dont want to look at it and be bored. i want to look and be like 'whoa' and print it out and put it on my wall. it has to be completely fabulous. i am also taking this time to tell you that Chinadoll727 has left stardoll unexpectedly. She was sick with mono last elimination and was not able to complete the task. last time we spoke she said she was starting to feel better and was excited t o participate in the next task. i went onto her page this afternoon and it as nonexistent. she has left stardoll. but anyway here is your inspiration picture.
